Requirements For Obtaining Learner’s License


  • Age 18 Years or more for obtaining a 4-wheeler learner’s license.
  • Age proof – Attested copy – birth certificate/school leaving certificate/passport etc. as mentioned in the website of Transport Department.
  • Address Proof – Attested copy – ration card/voter ID card/electricity or telephone bill etc. verify at the website or check with the RTO.

Contact the RTO office under whose jurisdiction you reside, apply for learner’s license using application form 1, 1A & 2. Submit above mentioned documents along with 3 latest passport size photographs with fee as applicable. A theoretical test may be conducted on computer/paper depending upon facilities available with the RTO. Normally minimum 60% marks are to be achieved for successful clearance. Approved list of identity/age proof, no. of photographs, fee & minimum marks to be achieved may vary from state to state.

You will get a learner’s license which is valid for 6 months. By possessing the learner’s license you can:

1.) Learn the specified class of vehicle throughout India but you can drive the car only when a person who possesses a permanent license and is in a position to control the vehicle in emergency.

2.) Your vehicle must display “L” sign in front & rear of the car as per dimensions given:

Before applying for permanent license you need to learn about :

1.) Your responsibilities as user of the road.

2.) Rules of the road.

3.) Road signs & markings.

4.) Traffic signals.

5.) Accommodate other road users.

6.) Mastering your vehicle controls.

7.) Maintaining your vehicle to keep it fit & road worthy.

8.) First aid.