Three divorces given due to crooked teeth of wife

hyderabad man gives triple talaq for wife over crooked teeth
hyderabad man gives triple talaq for wife over crooked teeth

Where another government is asking for strict legal action for triple talaq. At the same time, many other cases continue to come up, which the law does not see any fear. One such shocking case has come to light. Where a man has divorced his wife three times due to his teeth being crooked.

This incident is from Hyderabad. Where a man named Mustafa has given three divorces to his wife. The reason for this is only his wife’s teeth, which are crooked. However, the police have arrested the three divorces. The victim woman Rukhsana Begum told ANI that she was recently married to Mustafa on 27 June 2019.

The victim said that at the time of marriage, her husband had demanded many things and my family fulfilled their every demand. But a few days after the marriage, the husband and in-laws started to bother a lot. He was forced to bring more gold and money from his father. Even Mustafa took a new bike from his brother.

Rukhsana told that her in-laws were torturing her daily. Lastly, her husband does not like her because of her crooked teeth. Then he asked to be separated. But Rukhsana asked that they were like this even before marriage. Even at that time you saw and got married.

The victim told that after that her in-laws closed it in the house from 10 to 15. And when she became ill, she informed her parents. Rukhsana then sent him to the father’s house. After this, the victim complained to the local police, then it compromised her for fear of her husband and in-laws’ case. And said that they will take him back to his residence.